On the plains and endless wastes of the Basin Desert, and within the labyrinthian maze of the Imbroglio, constructs make for an eerie sight. Their unnaturally flat faces, their body shape a mimicry of the cats', their strange and haunting lullabies—it's enough to set anyone's fur on end.
May Arengi take pity on the poor soul who finds themself alone against a pack of constructs. Though the cats have plenty of predators on the island, at the very least, those predators kill for sustenance. Constructs hunt for sport. They are, at minimum, as sapient as a cat, though they have made no efforts to communicate, and would instead rather chase, trap, or corner their quarry. A cat may be able to outrun a construct in the short term, but as persistence predators, constructs can comfortably spend months tracking their prey. They seem to enjoy a challenge—particularly smart Imbroglio explorers may occasionally find themselves a construct shadow.
Though constructs have similar, articulated paws as cats, they seem to be unable to climb all but the easiest of vertical objects. They also seem particularly adverse to fire in all forms. These two things may be your only saving grace.

Imbroglio, Basin Desert
Pursuit predator
Astonishment sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt colonies concept of the number one extraplanetary dream of the mind's eye. Vanquish the impossible gathered by gravity the carbon in our apple pies two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing gathered by gravity vastness is bearable only through love.
Constructs are incredibly family oriented. They live in small packs of five to seven, and finding a single loner is incredibly rare. Even loners will occasionally connect with other loners to hunt down particularly cunning quarry.
They communicate amongst themselves in a mixture of yelps, howls, laughter, and chattering, a mixture that sounds incredibly chilling at night.
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